What is Rambutan Fruit ?
The rambutan saintific name was Nephelium lappaceum from family
Sapindaceae. It’s native to Southern Asia. It usually eaten raw and the
ripe rambutan fruit is sweet, sour with juicy.. The fruit is in oblong
shape long 3 to 7 cm depend of its variety, the earlier state of
rambutan fruit is green/red colour and change to deep red while ripen.
The outer rind is covered with soft spine like a hair which Malay
localism called it “rambut”. The rambutan fruit mind get a expanded from
this Malay word. Inner of rind is the white or transparent and juicy
fruit with long 2cm until 5 cm and 0.3-0.7 cm thick. How to eat the
rambutan fruit? First, you can easily pear off the rind of the fruit by
pressing the rind or used small knife to cut a part at the rind,
finally you just remove the fruit taste it.
Varieties of Rambutan
Some rambutan tree varieties in Malaysia is :
1. Maharlika ( Malay word: Rambutan Rejang)
-This is the species most planted in Malaysia especially in Balik
Pulau, Penang which it had sour taste. The ripeness colour in deep red.
2. Seelengkeng
-The fuit is moderately sweet with size large and soft spine. The rind
and spine colour in red.
3. Lebakbooloos
-The fruit in dark red colour with green spine. This varieties suitable
for ship and maintain well for long distances.
How the Rambutan Tree
Look ?

The Rambutan tree grows height approaching 10 to 25 meters.The tree
trunk diameter around 55cm to 70cm. Its evergreen leaves are 5 to 30 cm
in length and have three to eleven leaflets, each and every with an
entire margin have a special structure.Small Flowers with leaf petal
which are about 2 1/2 to 5 mm in size are in disk-shape and they have
bloomed cluster wise. The rambutan fruit took around 3 months to
ripeness from beginning of flowering. Malaysia, rambutan flowers from
March to July and again between July and November, usually in response
to rain following a dry period. The good lactation for plant the tree is
at sandy soil with good drainage.
It’s grew huge at Perak, Pahang, Kedah dan Kelantan. The season for
rambutan is from April until July or December until January.
Rambutan Fruit Product/Recipes
Rambutan fruits depreciate its taste fast once harvested. Few product
related to rambutan had produced such as jams, marmalade, spread,
jelly, specialty vinegar,wine and caned food as rambutan retain its
natural looks and muscular character.. Rambutan normally use as one of
items to do fruit salad with, papaya, mango, pineapple, and banana.
Why Rambutan Fruit
Benefits to Body
Besides of it sweet sour taste delicious flavor. Rambutan had pretty
valuable nutrient for our body such as below table:
Nutritional value per 100 g
Energy 59.9 g
Water 84.70%
Protein 0.7 g
Fat 0.1 g
Carbohydrate 13.9 g
Fiber 0.2 g
Calsium 22.0 mg
Phosphorus 30.0 mg
Iron 2.5 mg
Thiamin 0.01 mg
Riboflavin 0.04 mg
Niacin 0.1 mg
Vitamin C 38.6 mg
Besides the fruit it self, the entitle of others such seeds which
contain fat and used in manufactured of soap, the leave contain tannin
and saponin, root and bark contains tannin, saponin, flavonida, pectic
substances, and iron used in drug and dye process. Some example
benefits of rambutan to our bodyb is:
1.) Soften the hair
2.) Reduce fever temperature
3.) Body fat reducing and soften skin
4.) Treat diabetes
5.) Treat dysentery and diarrhea
6.) Lighten headache
Related link:
Benefits of rambutan fruit to body